4-5 - Target Audience

Explain what research you did to find out about who your target audience is.

Key information based around my pop genre target audience
For my pop genre magazine production I did a variety of research into the target audience of existing pop genre magazines, that are in the same genre as mine and found the Top of the Pops magazine pack, which showed that their magazine appeals to a both male and female audience, but mainly female, and within the age bracket of 11-15 years. From this I chose my target audience, to which allowed me to appeal to them in a certain way.

Questionnaire: I produced a questionnaire on survey monkey which I sent out over email to my target audience, to find out about the interests of the target audience and what they expect to see from a typical pop genre magazine production, to which I could then focus on using in my own production.
Existing magazine research: I also did some research into different magazine productions that had a similar target audience to my own, being mainly Top of the Pops; I was able to look into what type of conventions that they included in their magazine, to which I could then incorporate into my own to make mine appealing and successful.
Focus group: I also did research by gathering a group of people within my target audience and asking them questions based on what they find appealing in a music magazine, to help me appeal to my target audience.
Interviews: The interviews that I carried out were part of my focus group, by I was able to gather a more in depth view of what they expected in a typical pop genre magazine and exactly what would be appealing towards them to fit their interests and their abilities.

My methods of research on finding my target audience:

Media pack of target audience:

Target Audience Interests:

5) How did you attract/address your audience?

Target Audience Feedback:

Key Points of my magazine appealing to my target audience:

How my magazine appeals to my target audience:

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